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About the Trainer

After many years of nine-to-five in the finance industry, I realized I needed something more. I took a leap of faith and decided to pursue my love of dogs, and my passion for dog training.

It was difficult to start. I encountered hurdles, including problem behaviors that seemed insurmountable. I experienced the frustration and difficulty that most dog owners feel at one point or another, but I kept pushing. I was determined to get to the root of problem behaviors, and find solutions.​

I sought out the best trainers in the industry, and after years of study and practice, I learned that my initial approach was wrong, or at best misguided, based primarily on conventional mainstream training techniques. Slowly but surely I began to understand how a dog's mind works.

I come at each situation with a client-specific plan, informed by natural canine behaviors, and driven by both the personality of the pet, and the needs of the client. I understand that every situation is unique, so my tailored dog-centered approach allows me the flexibility to learn and grow with each new client.

My focus is tapping into dogs' genetics by encouraging them to do what they love, and what they were born to do. This goes well beyond obedience, and this is the key to actually getting results!​


Take the next step in creating the best relationship you can have with your dog.

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